TLD 828 Wide > TLD-828 Wide
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Stock No. : 9798
Serial No : 0020WSM2AC
Hours/Miles : 15303.5
Make : TLD
Model : 828 Wide
Cap : 16,700 lbs
Trans/Gen/Com : Hydrostatic
Engine : Cummins 5.9L 6 cyl.
Year 2000
Localization : Redlands
Actual Condition : For Inspection
Status :
W.O. : N/A
Condition :
The 828 Standard is a self-propelled, dual-platform loader designed to transfer containers and pallets weighing up to 7 600 kg (16,700 lbs.) With the ability to interface 178 cm (70”) or 254 cm (100”) doors, this heavy-duty loader can be used to service the following aircraft: • Lower Lobe: 747, 757, 767, 777, DC-10, MD-11, L-1011, A300, A310, A320, A330, A340, A380 • Main Deck: 707, 727, 737, BAE-146, A320, DC-8, DC-9, MD-80 Shipping Dimensions: L:368", W:121", H:78"